Monday 25 February 2013

Target Audience Profile For School Magazine

For my Preliminary task, I also created a Target Audience Profile.

The  Target Audience profile gave me a clear understanding of what my audience is like and what they want within a school magazine. It also discusses personality traits as well as hobbies they enjoy.

Target Audience

My Target Audience for my magazine will be aimed at sixth form students; male and female, within the ages of 16-18. The professional status of my target audience are still in school undertaking in full education with maybe a part time job to earn some money. 

There personality traits are outgoing and bubbly, they have lots of friends which they love spending time with, yet they are still dedicated to school making sure all work is done to keep them organised. My target audience has many hobbies and interests such as for the girls, spending time with friends, shopping, doing any sporting activities or outside of school activities like dancing or gymnastics, and for the boys there hobbies may be playing football, hanging out with their mates, and again doing any sporting or out of school activities.  Their attitudes to education are dedicated, organised, persistent to always try, always punctual and very outgoing.

 My target audience will use my magazine for when they are in the common room during their free time, to pick up, sit down relax and have a read through the weekly magazine in which will be offered to all sixth form students. This magazine will cater for to each of my audience’s needs and will refer to any interests they enjoy.

The audience of my magazine will have a variety of personalities, and these may range from an outgoing, bubbly, caring and sweet personality to a humorous, dedicated and intelligent one. Inside my magazine will include various articles and which will include studying tips, job tips if you are looking to seek work how to make the most of your free periods at school, the top ten courses to study and common room gossip to keep students entertained. All these are key things that will help to keep the audience entertained and to help and teach its audience in many different situations. 

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